

718 results (tag: bei)

Virtual reality gear forecast to hit record billion-dollar mark this year,  according to Deloitte Global 2016 TMT Predictions

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (Deloitte Global) predicts that virtual reality (VR)…

Transfer Pricing

Procedure regarding the issuance/ amendment of the Advance Pricing Agreement (APA) and…

Costin Manta, EY: The European Court of Justice reduces the volume of explanatory documents needed for VAT deduction

The lack of ‘sufficient’ explanatory documents can be considered the main vulnerability…

Higher expectations from patients trigger dentistry market growth

Investing in education, innovation and a strong management system is the key for leadership…

Further growth and variety in the area of employee benefits

Growth has resumed, slowly but steadily, as business owners and managers focus once more…

Experience on one market. Transfer of know-how. Tackling issues on other markets. Finding integrated solutions.

Awareness: Realizing problems. Exchanging ideas & know-how.

Companies, the main drivers for growth on the automotive market

We are happy to see more and more companies and individuals orientated towards ecofriendly…

Why personal development is essential for successful corporate cultures

Managing human interactions might be one of the most challenging tasks within a business.…

Demand for international express remains buoyant in 2016 and beyond

Healthy competition leads to better quality demands placed upon providers, and better…

New development projects on a growing local market

We are confident that IRIDE City will be a success, as it follows our…

Financial leasing - a flexible product, adaptable to a dynamic market

Romanian economy growth is relying on leasing for the equipment financing in order to…

The new normal means a need for financial services innovation

Innovation will always be the hot topic for the new banking, in the era…