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Why personal development is essential for successful corporate cultures

Managing human interactions might be one of the most challenging tasks within a business. Thus, human resources, as well as management are core components in a company and these activities ought to be conducted by carefully sought out experts.

Nevertheless, my professional experience showed that managers and human resource specialists from 75% of the medium and large companies in Bucharest with which I interacted disregarded the importance of personal development for the employees.

Nevertheless, achieving long-term performance and success is a priority for companies all over the world and it is crucial for managers to be aware of what they could do in order to increase the efficiency of their employees.
To this purpose, the first condition that has to be met is for people to be motivated. Of course, this implies a wide range of aspects, but we will take into consideration the deeper motivators, and not the financial ones, such as bonuses, salary raises, etc.

The underpinning question regarding motivation is: how can we handle the multitude of tasks and responsibilities we have in our everyday life and, especially, how do we manage to stay motivated, both on a personal and a professional level? The answer is quite simple: if people are motivated on a personal level, this motivation transfers to the professional level, as well.


Work-Life Balance may be the key

Psychologists, coaches, sociologies all agree that, in order for people to be efficient and successful in their professional activities, they have to be able to maintain a balance between their professional and their personal life, develop their passions within the companies for which they work, and also have their needs cared for by these companies.

There are several key elements which need to be considered in order to motivate employees:

1. Facilitating a creative environment, which encourages progress and innovation

2. Moving past stereotypes and patterns, so that employees are able to personalize their well-being and balance
It is a proven fact that positive and energetic people are more creative, so it is very important to be flexible in our professional and personal activities, so that we harness this creativity.
People should strive to develop constantly and use introspection throughout the process, in order to reach a better understanding of how their priorities, needs and desires evolve.

3. Helping people focus more on internal, rather than external balance

Stress is mostly generated by the way people manage things and situations, and less by the fact that a job is more stressful than the other. Our mindset is most important and the manner in which we relate to our surroundings helps us find the answers.

4. Supporting the transition from working hard to working with passion

Individuals perform better when they do what they like and when they resonate with that activity. Passion is one of the key drivers for successful performance and making a difference in the business environment.

5. Transitioning from time management to focus management

My personal conviction is that multitasking is a myth, despite the fact that it used to be a popular trend in many corporations. When our brains switch from one task to another, this generates stress and reduces productivity. This theory is supported by a quote by Albert Einstein, who stated: ‘Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves’.

6. Transitioning from working until exhaustion to resting sufficiently and enjoying ourselves in order to increase productivity, function at normal parameters and achieve success

7. Being authentic
Companies ought to allow people to maintain their authenticity, as the differences amongst us and the diversity bring along added-value at the team’s level.


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