Relationship Course - How to resolve any relationship in 30 Minutes

Relationship Course - How to resolve any relationship in 30 Minutes

On 16 June 2018, between the hours 13:00 and 19:00, at the Crystal Palace Ballrooms, Connie Larking awaits you at a special workshop.

The most important 6 Benefits

• Discover the ability to resolve any dispute which appears in any type of relationship;

• Learn to be present at what's really happening in your relationship and how to create instant report with any person you see;

• Find out what underlies the charisma, how can you be a charismatic person;

• Discover the real cause of the dysfunctional relationships that you have and how you can settle;

• Identify and release limiting beliefs regarding relations with others; reviewing and improving the relationship with yourself.



For more information, please see the Romanian version of the article, here.

