Cookie Consent by Free Privacy Policy Generator Press release: 2024, the year with the lowest jobs offer abroad in the last 5 years. And the number of applications was at the minimum level of the last 5 years |
Press release: 2024, the year with the lowest jobs offer abroad in the last 5 years. And the number of applications was at the minimum level of the last 5 years

Press release: 2024, the year with the lowest jobs offer abroad in the last 5 years. And the number of applications was at the minimum level of the last 5 years

From 2020, the number of applications began to decrease constantly until this year, when there were the fewest applications in the last 5 years for positions outside the country

21,000 jobs for foreigners were posted in 2024 on eJobs, the number representing only 8.2% of the total jobs available this year. Compared to 2023, a decrease of 21% is recorded, and compared to the situation of the last 5 years, the 21,000 jobs mark the lowest level of the job offer for abroad in the 2019-2024 interval.

For more information, please see the Romanian version of the article, here.



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