
Over 700 romanians can double their chances to win in ANPCPPSR – InfoCons – Mastercard campaign and Fiscal Lottery, just by paying with card

Over 700 persons that made payments using their Mastercard or Maestro card can now win both a prize in Fiscal Lottery conducted by Public Finance Ministry, and also a prize in the campaign known as Ask for the receipt! Pay with MasterCard or Maestro! We will reward you!, organized by ANPCPPS Romania – InfoCons and Mastercard. So, they have double chances to win simply because they paid with the card.

The 700 tranzactions between 135 lei and 135,99 lei made in May 23 with MasterCard and Maestro cards issued n Romania, that are eligible to be awarded in the Fiscal Lottery, have been automatically entered in the extractions for the 300 prizes of 500 milions each and 10 prizes of 5.000 lei offered in ANPCPPS campaign. 


For more information, please see the Romanian version of the article, here.


