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DENT ESTET - The first dental clinic in Romania to introduce testing for Covid-19 for medical staff and patients

DENT ESTET - The first dental clinic in Romania to introduce testing for Covid-19 for medical staff and patients

Through all the steps taken, DENT ESTET together with MedLife, keeps its promise to put the general long-term health of patients first

  • DENT ESTET tests medical and non-medical staff who interact with patients in adult clinics in Bucharest and Sibiu for Covid-19
  • Patients with complex dental interventions will be tested, at no additional cost, by the molecular method RT-PCR, considered the gold standard for identifying the SARS CoV2 virus.
  • The staff testing approach is initiated and supported with the support of MedLife, the leader in private medicine in Romania, a network that also includes the DENT ESTET group since 2016
  • The existing working protocols in the clinics comply with the recommendations of the Romanian College of Dentists and of the Public Health Directorat
For more information, please see the Romanian version of the article, here.



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