Q: How was 2013 for Dent Estet? Which were the main projects you developed? Which were the main drivers for your activity? Please detail and comment.
Oana Taban: 2013 was a very important year in our evolution. We opened our first clinic outside Bucharest, we introduced new innovative services on the local market and we also started a thorough rebranding campaign that continued in 2014. Last year also ended with a consolidated management structure as we welcomed new members in our team and developed our key departments. If we were to mention the main projects developed in 2013, one of the most important would be the new DENT ESTET 4 KIDS clinic opened in Timi?oara which had a great response from the regional public and consolidated our leadership on the Pediatric Dentistry market. Besides that, we took a bold step outside our main area of activity of dental services: we launched the first School of Dental Office Managers in Romania. This project that was put together in 2013 with the support of the American Dental Office Managers Association aims at preparing professionals in entry and middle management of dental offices. At the beginning of this year we held the first series of classes and we are glad to have received very good feedback from the participants. Having a leading position on the market, we always strived to find the best solutions in order to improve the quality of dental services in our country. DOM School is part of this initiative and we are confident that it will soon have a considerable impact on the local dentistry market, with the support of the industry professionals.
Q: From the position that Dent Estet has as a market leader, please describe how the new economic reality translates for your industry. How did the industry change in the previous years? Which are the areas with the greatest challenges?
Oana Taban: The market is growing, people are more and more aware of the choices they have and have started to be more attentive to the services they choose, and quality has become a deciding factor. This has determined professionals in our field to improve their services and focus their business on patient satisfaction. However, there is room for improvement and I believe we still have to get involved in educational programs for the public. And at this moment this is easier than ever with all the communication channels we have at our fingertips. Building a sustainable future for the upcoming generations and giving them the right information will not only help the industry develop, but it will also change the alarming situation of the dental and general health of Romanians.
Q: Do you expect 2014 to bring a more favorable framework for business or on the contrary? Please explain.
Oana Taban: We have positive perspectives ahead us. The market follows an ascendant trend, we have learnt a lot from the years of crisis and this can been seen in how businesses evolve. I believe 2014 has great potential for the business segment.
Q: What are the main projects for this year? Which are the business segments you want to focus on?
Oana Taban: This year has also brought a new opening for us: the second DENT ESTET 4 KIDS in Bucharest. We are happy to see that the number of parents who choose specialized dental care for their children is growing and it motivates us to become better. Besides that, we will focus on developing the community around The Romanian Dental Office Managers Association. In the fall, we will organize a second edition of the School for a new group of participants.
Also, education is one of our main priorities for this year. The programs we started in the previous years are gaining new dimensions and we try to make the access to dental education as easy as possible for all age groups. I strongly believe that this is the key to a sustainable business, and most importantly, a healthy country.
Q: What estimates do you have for your company in 2014 (turnover, profit etc.)?
Oana Taban: DENT ESTET has always had a natural growth, we have tried to maintain our goals realistic and make long-term investments. Following the previous tendencies of our growth, we expect 2014 to end with an approximate 20% increase of last year’s turnover.
Q: What important changes have you made in recent years which have helped your business fight the economic crisis and which will help it further develop in the future?
Oana Taban: One of the moment that consolidated our business and our position on the market in the recent years was the opening of DENT ESTET 4 KIDS and DENT ESTET 4 TEENS. Bringing specialized services for every age segment and having a team trained abroad in the latest treatments and techniques not only helped us diminish the effects of the crisis, but will most definitely help us expand in the following years.
Q: Dent Estet recently launched ADOM, the first school in your field of activity. Why and how did this project start? Which are the main objectives that you have set for this project?
Oana Taban: ADOM was the result of a stringent need we have noticed in the market: patient education. We believe that we can achieve this with the support of fellow professionals all over the country. Through cooperation and knowledge exchange, we can both build a sound industry and provide patients with high-quality dental care.
Q: What is the most important element that makes you stand out among your business competitors?
Oana Taban: When I launched DENT ESTET in 1999, my top priority was to bring professional dental services at international standards to Romanians. With this in mind, I tried to set the highest standards in every aspect of DENT ESTET and innovation has had a great role in achieving this. I believe that introducing unique services on the market, using high-end technology, building a stable professional team of doctors and specialists and creating personalized clinics and services for each age segment have been the foundation of our leadership.