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The electronic commerce continues to grow: Trends for 2019

According to PayU, the cross-border online shopping will represent one third of all sales…

What are the trends in e-commerce in 2018

The percentage of online payments out of total payments recorded the highest increase…

PayU Romania: over 70% of the total value of the online transactions was made on Friday, 17 November

The edition of Black Friday this year generated more than 264,000 online transactions…


PayU, the global fintech player is expanding its operations in South-East Asia and acquires the majority stake in   Red Dot Payment in Singapore

PayU, the payment and fintech division of Naspers, today announced the acquisition of…

PayU acquires ZOOZ, Israel's payment technology provider, with a common vision to create a new global infrastructure payment standard

PayU announces the acquisition of the ZOOZ payment technology platform.

December - in the top 3 of best online shopping months

December is in the top 3 months when Romanians make the most shopping online. The first…


Activitati de realizare a soft-ului la comanda (software orientat client)

General info

Fiscal Identification Code: 33159402
Registry of Commerce Number: J40/5733/2014
NACE CODE: (6201) Computer programming activities


  • Address: Strada Dr. Nicolae Staicovici Nr. 2, SECTOR 5, BUCURESTI
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