

6 rezultate (tag: start-up)

Enabling digitalization in public sector will bridge the gap between idea and reality

Interview with Mr. Bogdan Putinică – Microsoft Romania

Every challenge is an opportunity, a chance to grow

Interview with Mr. MUSTAFA TIFTIKCIOGLU, CEO, Garanti BBVA Romania

Meaningful innovation can unlock the potential of a digital economy

Interview with Daniel Rusen, Director of Marketing and Operations, Microsoft Romania

IWG: We will expand with ten new Regus buildings outside Bucharest

Interview with Mrs. Ramona Iacob, Country Manager, REGUS

Inertia is not an option. Organizations need to move faster and better

Interview with Costin Avram, General Manager, CRYSTAL System Group

Fata intunecata a inovatiei

Toate companiile au mare nevoie de inovatie. De la cele mai mari multinationale, multimiliardare…