

4 results (author: EULER HERMES SERVICES ROMANIA SRL)  -View company profile

European Central Bank: from whatever is needed to show what you can

ECB has announced a new temporary acquisition program of assets worth 750 billion euros,…

The Euler Hermes Global Insolvency Index: Insolvency will grow in 4 of 5 countries by 2020

The upward trend of business insolvency continued in 2019 for the third year in…

The Euler Hermes Prospect on the IT Sector

The Euler Hermes prospect on the IT sector shows that Romania's IT & C…

Euler Hermes analysis: 2014, a year of disappointment, disruption and divergence; 2015, characterized by liquidity, demand and politics

While a decline in insolvencies is apparent worldwide, financial pressures and counterparty risks remain,…