The sectors in which the average number of applications exploded: + 273% in the textile industry, + 130% in training, + 84% in marketing / advertising / PR and + 70% in retail

The sectors in which the average number of applications exploded: + 273% in the textile industry, + 130% in training, + 84% in marketing / advertising / PR and + 70% in retail

On the other hand, the wood, naval and aeronautical industries and the agricultural industry decreased

About 1.3 million applications were registered in February this year, up from the same month last year, when the total number of applications was 945,000. The average number of applications / announcement shows that the industries with the highest growth from one year to another had the employers in the textile industry, with an increase of 273%, those in training (+ 130%), in marketing / advertising / PR (+ 84%) and retail (+ 70%).

For more information, please see the Romanian version of the article, here.


