

79 results (tag: Engineering)

LG Electronics promises that Artificial Intelligence will provide an even better life

LG's Technical Director predicts that life will be enhanced by the new generation of…

More than 9,000 management positions available on eJobs.ro in 2018

The number of jobs for management positions increased in 2018 by about 10% over…

Where did the Romanians want to work in 2018: sales, accounting, and human resources - the areas that attracted most candidates this year

Almost 3.5 million CVs were submitted in 2018 by active candidates on eJobs.ro, the…

SEAT launches the new big model: SEAT Tarraco

SEAT Tarraco is the first model to show the new SEAT design direction for…

The future belongs to cyborgs. The scientist who connects the brain with AI comes to IMWorld

The indisputable speaker star on the Main Stage at the 7th edition of Internet…

Upgrading for energy efficiency without initial costs

Initial costs are a major barrier to implementing energy efficiency projects in many areas…

Breakthrough: new Bosch diesel technology provides solution to NOx problem

Bosch CEO Denner also calls for transparency on fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

CTP appoints Emanoil Dascalu as Construction Director for Romania

CTP, the leading premium industrial parks developer and long-term manager in Romania and…

Strategic partnership with academia Bosch has started a course of autonomous driving at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

Bosch supports the practical training of students for a successful career.

Microsoft and SAP have announced they are joining their efforts to provide enterprise-class customers with a trustworthy solution for digital innovation.

Expanded partnership offers customers joint cloud capabilities and a trusted map.

Bosch signs a strategic partnership with the university environment

Masters studies for future specialists Bosch invests in education

Business year 2016: connectivity keeps Bosch on growth course

Artificial intelligence rounds off IoT expertise