

35 results (tag: Dumitru Ion)

WEBINAR- Rethink Strategy – Continuity, Challenges and Opportunities

DoingBusiness.ro in parteneriat cu Microsoft organizeaza joi 26.03.2020 webinarul BUSINESS…

How do Romanian business leaders see the phenomenon of slowbalization and how does it change the future in   business - at CEO Conference – Shaping the Future

Over the next 50 years, we will experience more changes than we have done…

CEO Conference – Shaping the Future Slowbalization – How to redesign the organization of the future

Over the next 50 years, we will experience more changes than we have done…

CEO Conference – Shaping the Future Slowbalization - How Romanian CEOs are building the organizations of the future

DoingBusiness.ro announces a new edition of CEO Conference - Shaping the Future, to be…

EBRD, Allianz-Tiriac Insurance and Kompass share business ideas to Romanian managers

Business leaders from internationally successful companies and institutions such as the…


CEOs are changing priorities at international level. There is less interest for rapid,…

Business (r)Evolution Conference in Brasov, Digitization - Trend or Tsunami? How does digitization transform Romania's economy in 2018

More than 1,000 entrepreneurs and managers have joined the National Business Conference…

Business (r)Evolution Conference in Brasov, Digitization - Trend or Tsunami? How does digitization transform Romania's economy

Entrepreneurs and managers from the local and multinational companies in Brasov and the…

The Internet supports everything, but do not forget and will not forgive. How digitization transform Romania's economy?

The National Conference Business (r) Evolution. Digitalization - Trend or Tsunami, organized…

More than 100 entrepreneurs and businessmen from Constanta participated in the most important business event of the year in Dobrogea: Business (r) Evolution

Doingbusiness.ro, together with the Small and Medium Enterprises Association in Constanta,…

The second edition of the national Business (r) Evolution conference will take place Tuesday, April 17th, in Constanta

Doingbusiness.ro, with the support of the Small and Medium Enterprises Enterprise Constanta,…

The National Business Conference (r) Evolution 2018 debuted in Oradea in the presence of over 150 entrepreneurs

"Digitalization - Trend or Tsunami?". This was the question that mobilized more than 150…