"The Digitization is a trend that comes as a tsunami " said Mihai Tandea, Regional Manager of Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari, who showed how the digitization is changing the insurance market, the products, the behavior of employers and employees.
"Digitization has made us very clear what is" normal "in the Internet of Things. In fact, we are talking about the new normal in the context of the solutions that we create especially for our clients, in other words the optimization of the costs through solutions adapted to each type of business, "said Mircea Hategan, Segment Business Sales Manager, Telekom Romania.
"The Internet supports everything, but do not forget and will not forgive ", warned Daniel Pana - Head of Sales Development Europe - Kompass International, who presented the opportunities and challenges that are " the new normal " of sales and social selling based on business intelligence. This way, the audience was able to learn new tactics to communicate, attract and reward clients. On this occasion, the EasyBusiness Sales Accelerator application - an extremely useful digital tool for increasing sales efficiency - was launched for the first time in Romania.
The entrepreneurs present at the event have learned from Daniela Marin - EBRD Principal Manager, how can a business be developed through non-reimbursable co-financed consulting provided by financial institutions. Daniela Marin exemplified how small and efficient the costs of consulting can be in the darkest moments of a company.
"Do not think of tens of thousands of Euros. We have examples in the middle-sized business consultancy segment where, with just € 8,000, companies have managed to get through a situation that could have meant closing the business, to discover and enter new markets, " said Daniela Marin.
"New digital marketing tactics appear in the post-GDPR era. Instruments are within reach, but companies do not always know about their existence and are therefore underutilized " said the consultant Tudor Galos who also identified those tools.
"Generation Y managers change the rules of the game in B2B marketing, because 60% of them don't want to be unsolicited contacted by phone or email. Moreover, they want an online and offline interaction and personalized interaction " said Elena Badea, Managing Director of the Valoria Business Solutions consultancy company, who presented in avant-premiere the data of the latest study.
The event also presented ways to speed up sales without additional resources, unveiled by Ozana Giusca - Founder of Tooliers.
The conference has benefited from the special presence of Allan Kleynhans, an international speaker, coach and trainer, who has maximized the audience's interactivity through the workshop on identifying ways that managers can deliver performance to the highest level.
"In the age of digitization, the content is king", concludes Dumitru Ion - CEO DoingBusiness.ro, the organizer of the conference. But how does the digitization of Romania's economy transform?
"There are many companies that will change demand and supply in all Romanian industries by doing just one simple thing: using the tools of the fourth industrial revolution, such as IoT or artificial intelligence. There is no big enough company to be prepared enough for the challenge of digitization. That is why, through these events, we want to prepare the entrepreneurs and managers for what will follow: the modification of everything that is important to companies: from production and consumption to financial intermediation, " said Dumitru Ion, in the context of the premiere presentation of data on the profitability of Romanian companies in 2017.
His presentation was based on the latest available data but also of an international study showing that more than half of the Fortune 500 companies have disappeared since 2000 until now, the digitization being the main reason.
The Romanian Business Digest published by DoingBusiness.ro. was also launched during the conference.
"Over 20 business leaders in Romania have helped us through their unique perspectives to decode in the Romanian Business Digest the fourth industrial revolution and its effects for the Romanian business environment. It is a mandatory reading for those who want to understand how and why is changing the way of doing business through the Internet of Things", told the audience Dumitru Ion, CEO doingbusiness.ro.
The main partner of the event was Telekom Romania. Partners of the conference were Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari, EBRD, Dentestet, Tudor Galos Consulting, Valoria, Kompass Romania, Allan Kleynhans International, Tooliers, Pescariu Sports & Spa. The event was supported by Qubiq Digital Solutions and Samsung Club, and the media partners who supported the event were Agerpres, Transilvania Business, ziare.com, Financial Week, Business Journal, Careers, Business24, CFnet - Financial News Magazine, Financial Market , spatiulconstruit.ro, Calendar Events, InvestClub, PRbox.ro, Express Manager, RBE Connect, Biz Events.
The National Conference Business (r) Evolution continues at Iasi (October 18, 2018) and Brasov (October 31, 2018). On 22 November 2018, DoingBusiness.ro is organizing this year's second reference conference - CEO Conference - Shaping the Future.