

38 results (tag: Angajati)

Most Ford employees from Craiova, in technical unemployment until April 30

The temporary suspension of the production of Ford factories, at European level, is extended…

WEBINAR- Rethink Strategy – Continuity, Challenges and Opportunities

DoingBusiness.ro in parteneriat cu Microsoft organizeaza joi 26.03.2020 webinarul BUSINESS…

Dacia stops production on Thursday in Mioveni; employees enter technical unemployment

Dacia Cars (Automobile Dacia) interrupts production in the plants in Mioveni, until April…

BIRIS GORAN - Legal Alert -  Recomandare aplicabila entitaților din mediul privat și indeosebi celor cu un numar de peste 99 de angajați

Hotararea CNSSU nr. 7 din 11.03.2020 privind aprobarea hotararii nr. 9 a Grupului de…

BIRIS GORAN - Legal Alert - Lege zile libere parinti

Lege privind acordarea unor zile libere parinților pentru supravegherea copiilor in situația…

Employee protection measures in the context of coronavirus threat (COVID-19)

Author: Cristina Tudoran (Senior Associate, Filip & Company)

Spin-off: Softbinator Technologies separates from Cornerstone Technologies with 60 employees and the most important blockchain and fintech projects

Softbinator Technologies, a company specializing in blockchain R&D and Artificial Intelligence,…

CGS Romania opens a new center in Constanta and is looking for 600 employees

Constant investments in trainings for new employees and salaries above the market average

Over half of Romanian employees work in office buildings, only 15% of them have a flexible work schedule

According to Agerpres, more than half of the Romanian employees work in office buildings,…

BestJobs survey: Two thirds of Romanian employees are very stressed at work

Almost eight out of ten respondents said that the stress level has increased in…

Learning Network Festival, the event that brings to Bucharest the 2020 trends in employee training and development

The event brings together specialists from the training and development industry as well…

What types of trainings do companies choose for training employees?

The labor market is becoming more competitive, so keeping employees and ensuring a career…