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27 results (author: BESTJOBS RECRUTARE SA)  -View company profile

bestjobs STUDY in partnership with Orion Innovation: 3 out of 5 IT&C employees expect 2024 to bring many changes in the industry

Romania, on the 2nd place in Europe in terms of the number of IT…

BestJobs: Recruitment in Romania accelerates in 2023 despite massive layoffs in the West

Companies have so far contacted 45% more candidates compared to the beginning of last…

3 out of 5 candidates over the age of 45 felt discriminated against at the interview regarding their age, while 1 out of 3 recruiters said they selected candidates based on this criterion

The increase in the retirement age produces new effects on the labor market

Romanians also align themselves with global trends, 8 out of 10 Romanian candidates would change their job for higher incomes and better development opportunities

60% would refuse a good offer if they had a negative experience during recruitment

BestJobs: 3 out of 4 employees want to change their job in 2023, most worried about the increased workload if the employer resorts to staff reductions

74% of the employees who responded to the BestJobs survey want to change their…


17 results (author: BESTJOBS RECRUTARE SA)  -View company profile

BestJobs brings over 40,000 active jobs closer to candidates who come to the Career Fair

The Career Fair takes place in 7 cities in Romania and the Republic of…

BestJobs: Over 20,000 of the candidates who updated their CV online this summer chose to support the 3 education projects from the Donate with your CV campaign

Through the "Donate with your CV" campaign, BestJobs aimed to get candidates to be…

BestJobs: Employees are not ready to give up remote work and want more and more unique benefits to return to the office

Free lunch, isolated workspace and specialty coffee, the main "different" benefits requested by employees

BestJobs: The best paid jobs in Romania are in fields such as IT, telecommunications, engineering, oil industry and health, with salaries exceeding 2,000 euros net

Among the positions with the highest salaries are the management and coordination positions, the…

BestJobs: We are looking for specialists, 55% of the available jobs target white collars candidates

The offer of remote jobs that mainly address the white collars category, available on…

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