

37 results (tag: sigura)

Owners who insured their home in Allianz-Tiriac and had damages received compensation up to 500 times higher than the first paid

Statistics from the Allianz-Tiriac portfolio show that the pandemic has not diminished…

Allianz-Tiriac in H1 2020: Turnover above expectations and the care for people as main concern

Over 338 million lei in compensations paid as claims to clients and third parties…

Allianz-Tiriac Insurance, financial results in Q1 2020:

Solid operational performance, growth on all business lines and care for customers, employees,…

Poate coronavirusul sa justifice neexecutarea contractelor aflate in derulare?

Autori: Ioana Roman (partener), Cristina Tudoran (senior associate)

Roland Berger study: Artificial intelligence will significantly influence the competitiveness of insurance companies in the next 3-5 years - 2 out of 3 players in the EU consider the topic of strategi

The differences in competitiveness will be accentuated following the implementation of…

The insurance companies subscribed gross premiums worth 5.44 billion RON in the first semester

ASF specifies in a statement that the amount subscribed for the gross premiums in…

Business Conference (r) Evolution in Iasi

Digitalization - Trend or Tsunami? How does digitization transform Romania's economy

How Romania’s tourism companies manage industry risks

As Romania’s tourism sector grows, challenges faced by entrepreneurs in the field persist.

Business (r)Evolution Conference in Bucharest, Digitization - Trend or Tsunami? How does digitization transform Romania's economy

Leading executives from local and multinational companies and major entrepreneurs from…

EY study: What are the new challenges for CFOs in the insurance sector

74% of respondents consider as top priority the ability to rapidly provide integrated…

Strategic sales will double in 2016, funding growth for companies

70 % of companies are using divestments to fund growth.

 Prudential approach and financial stability, main contributors to success

We managed to grow profitably, to keep our promises to our customers and to…