

1 result (author: GROUPAMA ASIGURARI SA)  -View company profile

How Romania’s tourism companies manage industry risks

As Romania’s tourism sector grows, challenges faced by entrepreneurs in the field persist.


3 results (author: GROUPAMA ASIGURARI SA)  -View company profile

The Council of SMEs in Romania (CNIPMMR) and Groupama Asigurari launch the second edition of the Tourism Barometer in Romania

What are the main characteristics, risks, vulnerabilities and expectations of the domain?

The pilot project Selfcontrol launched by Groupama Asigurari - the first insurance policy whose price is directly related to the behavior of the drivers

Groupama Insurance, CASCO top segment in Romania, launched the clause Selfcontrol, as a pilot…

Groupama is leader on the insurance segment dedicated to farmers in Romania, with over 2,500 clients nationwide

The total value of gross premiums subscribed was, in 2014, of over RON 28…