

303 results (tag: platform)

Global fintech landscape dominated by innovative solutions focused on radically transforming  financial services

A recent global survey conducted by KPMG shows that financial institutions perceive fintech…

Success story: iNES Group – Test ideas. Unlimited solutions

YOU SAY SUCCESS, WE SAY GREAT EXPERIENCES. That is what we pursued throughout our…

Digital transformation of SMEs in Romania

Digitization is for all companies, from multinationals to small and medium enterprises.…

Trends in social media marketing by industry sector

The power of social networks for the mix of marketing and communication is obvious.…

Romanian entrepreneurs, more satisfied and optimistic than the European average when it comes to their businesses

Microsoft, one of the largest providers of productivity and cloud platforms in the world,…

Just 3 in 10 companies use social media for sales

According to "Like & Share 2017", a survey on social media marketing in Romanian…

Women entrepreneurship, an underutilized potential for economic growth

In the mid 2000s, the OECD recognized female entrepreneurship as a potential under-utilized…

EY study: What are the new challenges for CFOs in the insurance sector

74% of respondents consider as top priority the ability to rapidly provide integrated…

What leaders do not learn in school

No business objective will be achieved unless the desired parameters are related to the…

Romanians order more food online

The number of orders on Foodpanda increased by almost 60% in 2016

The democratization of analytics, a trigger for huge business opportunities

Analytics are for all of us, as we become more data-driven and analytical in…

Authentic marketing, the way to the digital consumer

Effective communication channels are already via the mobile phones, because in Romania…