

36 results (tag: abilitate)


Test drive cu Rolls-Royce Cullinan Black Badge Inspired by Fashion

Sustainability Reporting - Catalyst for change and vital role in building the future

The CSRD has introduced wide-ranging changes to the reporting requirements, and also includes…

We make responsible choices, for people, communities, and the environment

Coca-Cola HBC Romania publishes its eighth Sustainability Report: steady progress in resource…

Secom® Healthcare Group launches the first sustainability report

The report "We choose responsibly for a healthier future" was produced according to the…

Risk analysis - the tool through which taxpayers find out the probability of being subject to ANAF controls

Authors: Alex Slujitoru, Lawyer at Bancila, Deaconu si Asociatii, Associate Law Firm EY

Romania's new Offshore Law brings long-awaited predictability and stability to Black Sea oil holders (and not only)

Authors: Alex Milcev, Leader of the Fiscal and Legal Assistance Department, EY Romania…

Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability - a new solution for accelerating progress in sustainability and business development, available from June 1

The Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability solution will provide the data and data management…

Director of Sustainability (CSO), rising rapidly

Authors: Monica Movileanu, PwC Romania Partner and Cristina Angheluta, Senior Manager

Business for the Future, season 2: sustainability through the eyes of SMEs

Dragos Holban, CFO Vrancart: "I strongly believe that only a business with ethical leadership…

Business for the Future, season 2: sustainability through the eyes of SMEs

Petre Marian Milut, Prefab: "Those who do not believe in sustainability have no future,…

The Embassy of Sustainability launches a call for support for a more ambitious text of the directive on the communication of sustainability data

Responsible companies in Romania are invited to join and support the new version of…

Companies that have a strong sustainability DNA generate 21% more profit and have a lasting positive impact on society and the environment

The Shaping the Sustainable Organization study finds that companies' responsible values…