

28 results (tag: Clienti)

Poate coronavirusul sa justifice neexecutarea contractelor aflate in derulare?

Autori: Ioana Roman (partener), Cristina Tudoran (senior associate)

Allianz-Tiriac, financial results for the first nine months of 2019: solid sales advance on strategic lines, robust profitability and growing number of customers

Non-auto and life insurance represent almost 50% of the gross subscribed premiums; The…

Market research: How will customer's interaction with brands look  over ten years?

A new study shows that, within a decade, two-thirds of customers' interaction with market…

Crestere comerciala solida si utilizare tot mai intensa a canalelor digitale in prima jumatate a anului 2019

Noul CEO, Mihaela Bitu, a preluat conducerea bancii, nu doar intr-o noua etapa din…

ING Bank Romania S1 2018 - number of growing clients and the launch of ING Pay,  pay phone service

The number of clients continued to grow steadily, with 15% from one year to…

Dragos Radu, EY Law: GDPR can generate a new wave of collective lawsuits against companies that have large client portfolios

Beyond an awareness of the importance of respecting and assuring the rights of the…

Which are the most client centric industries in Romania?

In the digital era, consumer experience decides the business champions. Companies that…

75% of the companies want to know the needs of the consumers, but only 27% of the companies are struggling to retain them

According to the "Barometer of focusing on the customer in companies in Romania 2017",…

8 out of 10 customers read reviews before going into a SPA center

The Public Advisors, the consulting company in communication and public relations in collaboration…

Findings from the Global Consumer Banking Survey

The combination of a widespread lack of consumer confidence and perceived lack of differentiation…

80% of the customers who shop online waive the shopping cart

In Romania, the average loss of the shopping cart currently stands at 60% -…

Earning your customers  trust

The customer is very important, and, especially in this social media era, it is…