International Breweries (Netherlands), which includes United Romanian Breweries Bereprod (URBB, the producer of Tuborg beer in Romania) and Carlsrom Beverage, recorded in Romania a net consolidated turnover of 491 million lei in 2017, increasing approximately 11% compared to the result obtained in 2016.
Also, the group profit increased in 2017, rising 11 percent from the level reached in 2016, a result that contributed to the positive evolution of the group on the local market.
"The financial results of the group of URBB and Carlsrom Beverage in 2017 are the result of a good long-term strategy and we trust that we will continue to invest as well as increase our local footprint. In 2018, URBB started off with a budget of 15 million euros, which we allocate to the continuation of the development of the presence at the level of the Romanian market, both through the development and optimization of the operational processes, as well as through the marketing and promotion activities, all in order to continue to advance locally at the same pace, "said Shachar Shaine, President of URBB and Carlsrom Beverage.