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Schneider Electric Romania appoints Romanita Neacsu as CEEI Senior Legal Counsel

Schneider Electric Romania appoints Romanita Neacsu as CEEI Senior Legal Counsel

Schneider Electric Romania announces the appointment of Romanita Neacsu as Senior Legal Counsel for the CEEI region. Romanita Neacsu will work from Bucharest and will be part of the Management Team for Romania, Moldova and Armenia, reporting directly to Katarzyna Adamkiewicz, CEEI Chief Legal Counsel.

With 20 years of professional experience in the legal field, Romanita Neacsu brings significant expertise in competition law, contract law, mergers and acquisitions, compliance and data protection (GDPR). In the position of legal and compliance director, previously held at one of the largest companies in the field of construction materials at the local and global level, Romanita provided legal assistance and strategic consulting, contributing substantially to the implementation of an organizational culture based on ethics and integrity.

For more information, please see the Romanian version of this article, here.


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