
PwC Romania assisted the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies in a POSDRU financed project

The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies (ASA) has successfully finalized the project “Helping future graduates integrate on the labour market through simulated enterprises and internships”, POSDRU/109/2.1/G/81714, funded through the European Social Fund – the Operational Program for the Development of Human Resources 2007-2013

ASE, as Beneficiary of the project, was associated for the project with PwC Romania, VBD Alliance Consulting and the Association Grupul de Economie Aplicata (GEA).


As part of the project, an integrated, regional network, of simulated enterprises was created for the development of professional qualifications of 360 students and for helping them integrate on the labour market. The network character was given the activities of cooperation and competition among the simulated enterprises and by the centralized reporting mechanism used in the project. More information is available on the website of the project:  http://practica.ase.ro/.


Today, 30 September, 15.00, in the Council Room of the European Funds Service from ASE Bucharest will take place the closing of the project event, with its results being broadly presented.

