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NETOPIA Payments invests in the SupplyBlockchain platform, the solution for avoiding losses in the distribution and transport chains

NETOPIA Payments invests in the SupplyBlockchain platform, the solution for avoiding losses in the distribution and transport chains

NETOPIA Payments, the largest electronic payment processor in Romania, announces the investment in the startup SupplyBlockchain, the SaaS B2B platform (Software as a Service) that adds transparency to the logistics chains using blockchain technology to record exactly the date and location of physical products.

According to the SupplyBlockchain representatives, traders report billions of dollars worldwide losses due to fraud and losses in the distribution and transport chains.
In most cases, financial losses are covered by insurers, but these situations affect all members of the commercial ecosystem, be it manufacturers, distributors, carriers, and last but not least about buyers.

"One of the main issues of the transport and logistics industry is the lack of transparency and independent tracking of products along the distribution chains. A good example is the recent case of Craiova who found a piece of plasticine instead of an iPhone purchased with 6,800 lei. SupplyBlockchain solves such problems by adding a layer of security and transparency to logistics processes using blockchain technology, " said Sebastian Cochinescu, CEO and founder of SupplyBlockchain.

SupplyBlockchain, Inc. was established in 2018 in the US and has clients in the transportation, logistics and distribution industries. Since last year, companies that have decided to become SupplyBlockchain customers have substantially reduced their losses by using this innovative system.

This year, the company will expand its US customer portfolio to a market where transport, insurance, and ecommerce transport losses are exponentially higher. In December 2018, Sebastian Cochinescu, founder and CEO of SupplyBlockchain, won the third prize of PatriotFest's "Creativity for Security" section (a contest organized by MAPN, MAI, SPP, STS, SRI and New Strategy Center) SupplyBlockchain addressed to military and national security structures.

The SupplyBlockchain team also includes people with extensive business experience in the technical and legal industries, such as: Alin Gabriel Zainescu (VP of Sales & Marketing, SupplyBlockchain / Strategic Business Consultant, Zainescu Consulting), Antonio Eram (Business Advisor SupplyBlockchain / CEO and NETOPIA Payments co-founder), Felix Crisan (Technical Advisor SupplyBlockchain / CTO and co-founder of NETOPIA Payments), Vlad Andrei (Strategy Advisor SupplyBlockchain / Managing Partner Albaron Ventures) and Traian Paicu (Legal Advisor and Angel Investor).

I have always been interested in investigating how many practical applications of blockchain technology can be integrated into a company to streamline activity at all levels.
That's why I'm pleased to announce that we are expanding our NETOPIA Payments investment portfolio with a startup that uses state-of-the-art innovation to solve some of the usual, costly problems faced by a large number of businesses in all industries. " said Antonio Eram.








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