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Capital Property Advisors: The interest for real estate investments resumed in 2012

Due to the significant drop in the ratio between the price asked by developers and the owners posted this year, the interest for real estate investments seems to come back in 2012, following an analysis of consultancy company Capital Property Advisors.

Regarding the investment market, the buyers mainly looked for products delivering profits, as office buildings with financialy solid tenants, reasonable rents and low risk for vacancy. Also, the investors' interest aimed at lands delivering further development, located in areas to provide easy access to transportation means. 

The most important transactions in 2012 were related to the office market. City Business Center office complex in Timisoara was bought by New Europe Property Investors (NEPI) and HQ Victoriei in Bucharest building became the property of the Greek Zeus Capital Partners fund. In this category are included but investments made by retailers both development and the acquisition of own stores.

"The Romanian market still has the advantage of being attractive for developing shopping centers, taking into account existing stock of 130 sqm / thousand inhabitants, below the European average of 259 sqm / thousand inhabitants. Thus, in 2012, opened projects such as Auchan City Crangasi, Cora Rahova or Intercora Mihai Bravu in Bucharest and in the country projects were launched Palas Mall and phase two of the Era Shopping Park Iasi, Bacau Ploiesti Mall and Cora 'said Mihaela Petruescu, retail director at Capital Property Advisors.

Capital Property Advisors was launched in Romania in 2011 following the join of Radu Lucianu  specialist in the real estate industry, and the founders of the company Capital Partners. The group of companies which also includes Capital Property Advisors Council advised real estate deals worth 40 million Euros in 2011.

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