5 activities of an outstanding manager

5 activities of an outstanding manager

The leadership and management roles, although different, they become complementary in driving the company to success.

The manager maximizes the value for the company, the team and for himself when he is passionate about what he is doing, involved in doing all the activities, and shows determination in tracking results that bring the company closer to achieving the key-goals. The manager engages his team, colleagues, customers and simplifies the processes he is responsible for.


For all these to become possible, the activities that contribute decisively to success are the following ones:

• Effective internal communication with purpose and results – The manager must communicate openly and consistently with the team. A structured communication (with agenda, timing, etc.) is preferable to informal communication, given that each of us is more inclined to observe objectives / tasks / terms has accepted in writing or within a formal framework. Tapping into the ideas of all team members is a quality of any outstanding manager. Facilitating an active involvement of each team member in the discussions about company’s projects can bring important benefits to achieving and overcoming the set goals.


• Setting clear objectives for the team and the organization – Transparency of communication shows clarity of thought. People do their best when they understand and see the overall picture of their efforts. Therefore, the outstanding manager must pay special attention to regularly recalling the key objectives and monitoring the progress the team is making. It is essential that each member of the team can measure the progress he / she is making towards individual goals, but also the status of the team in achieving the goals that all contribute to achieve.


• Transforming problems into improvement opportunities – Current operational activities have as common denominator, most of the time, ensuring compliance with the procedures involved in key processes. Simplifying complex or inefficient processes to improve the quality and service delivery to internal and external customers is an opportunity to optimize resources. The team will appreciate the efforts of the manager to continuously improve processes and simplify them wherever possible.


• Providing training relevant to the personal and professional development of each team member – Each colleague's performance depends on both motivation and updating capabilities and knowledge. A well-trained team gets higher returns. Moreover, one of the most effective ways to motivate and increase engagement is the continuous d professional and personal development of all team members. It is the manager who must ensure that every year his team members have a well-organized, structured and well-communicated training plan. Attending courses is good to be appreciated in the organization, and not considered a concession from the "benevolent manager". Employee engagement surveys for the Romanian labor market show that 79% of them expect the employer to provide courses as part of the employees’ development programs.


• Delivering a remarkable customer experience – Whether it's external customers or internal clients, the manager should aim for the team to deliver remarkable services on every occasion. Generating memorable experiences helps build professional reputation and strengthen the team that it leads.

The successful manager focuses on the results and strives to create excellent teamwork. The outstanding manager should simplify complex tasks, ensure that appropriate measures are taken to assess progress. The manager has the responsibility and should have the ability to teach others how to do the same. Practicing this type of attitude increases the reputation of the manager and provides a good example to those who aspire to be leaders.

