Solutions for growth

Solutions for growth

Within the international macroeconomic landscape, the priorities of agriculture sector in Romania should target, fiscal and economy facilities for increasing the agriculture production and also, incentives to improve the living status in rural areas as local infrastructure and work force.

There are a multitude of macroeconomic factors that should be included in the overall agriculture reforms in Romania. Part of a national approach, public actors should involve in agriculture and agriculture market, creating a fait competition landscape for private and public environment, besides accelerating the incentives for young farmers, creation of an authentic marketing for local brands and beneficial financings for Romanian agriculture investors with state guarantee.


The largest winners of local agriculture are the ones to accelerate the affiliation on the real agriculture market. Unfortunately, this sector has its lacks, visible in the business-orientated approach of farmers, the existence of a multitude of subsistence agriculture developed only at the level of households. Also, the communication skills are a large benefit on this market.


There is a tremendous need for investments in the local agriculture for developing the infrastructure on the Danube fort instance, creating a sustainable irrigation infrastructure and developing the connectivity with external markets , offline and online.


The largest investment opportunities on long-term can be identified in:
- agriculture production of raw products as primary or even final processing, where the largest added value is registered and there is a significant connectivity with the end-user
- creating and developing the local communities
- branding, at national, regional and individual level
- activating the approximately 850,000 agriculture workers, owners of a maximum of 5 hectares in associations, partnerships and different calibrating forms
- communication strategy and promoting of local specific
- partnerships between the countries in Danube area and Balkans, including Poland and Hungary



Regarding the lands, several trends have been registered ad one of the most significant involve the fast evolution of land prices in the last years and the lack of accessibility in terms of pricing policies for arable lands for regular small investors.


Several solutions for improvement. There are several solutions on short term that can be identified:
- a better association between private and public actors through public – private partnerships
- strengthening of relationship between neighboring countries in order for the exports to be expanded.
- the fiscal facilities are a major aspect to be considered
- guaranteed minimum prices for producers
- fiscal facilities for primary production
- increase of involvement of the state
- cultivating the winner mentality of producer / cultivator/ farmer
- increasing the education in this sector


An alarming issue is that of the next generations. Several solutions should be implemented in this respect:
- improvement of curricula
- information infusion and an economic entrepreneurial spirit
- foreign language and communication skills
- strategic partnerships with emerging markets in BRIC countries for trading
- developing niche agriculture as beekeeping, silk production, medicinal and flavour plants
- national agriculture programs targeting active and non-active actors
- NGO incentives in rural areas
- creating a national online data base in agriculture

