ELECTROPRECIZIA ELECTRICAL MOTORS is one of the main Romanian producers of three-phase and single-phase asynchronous induction motors. The company developed a wide range of products manufactured on specialized production lines by highly qualified personnel.In 1995, TUV Germany granted our company the quality assurance system certification according to ISO 9001. In January 2012, a new compliance testing related to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 was performed by LRQA. The period between 1951 and 1955 remained in the company's history as the first ample action in the field of upgrading the electric motors production. During this time it is carried out the constructive design, the technological design, the design and execution of tools, devices and checkers for the series of three-phase asynchronous motors in cast iron, with powers of 0.6-7kW, a first for our country. In 1956 it is fulfilled the first external order through a batch of motors delivered in Czechoslovakia. Despite the general negative influence caused by the global recession, the 1981-1990 decade is marked by significant achievements in all areas. The production and export volumes reach their peaks in the companys history. New products are added to the production lines, i.e. three-phase electric motors in aluminum cases, locksmith grinders, products for export only. Among the products assimilated between 1990 and 1995, we shall mention: the new series of three-phase and single-phase asynchronous motors in aluminum cases; special motors for electric pumps; special motors for compressors; peripheral, centrifugal and JET electric pumps; single-phase asynchronous motors with load capacitor, as well as motors with load and start capacitors; single-phase motors in open design type IP00; different special motors, produced upon external partners requests; boring mills type MAG13, TB16/5 and MAG16; asynchronous generator of 2kVA; electric generator sets. Currently, ELECTROPRECIZIA ELECTRICAL MOTORS is the main exporter of three-phase electric motors of powers ranging from 0.09 to 18.5KW in Romania. The company continues to consolidate its relationship with ABB, one of the biggest and well-known producers of electric motors in the world. Most of exports of electric motors produced within our company go on recognized markets such as Poland, Spain, Germany and Italy. A special attention is currently and will continue to be paid in the future as well to Maghreb and Persian Golf countries. The main external market sector aimed by Electroprecizia Electrical Motors is represented by the electric motor integrators, while on the internal market we place at the center of all our efforts especially the national distributors.
General info
Fiscal Identification Code: 25609697
Registry of Commerce Number: J08/841/2009
NACE CODE: (2711) Manufacture of electric motors, generators and transformers
- Address: Strada Parcului, Nr: 18 (poarta 1);, SACELE, BRASOV
Latest financial results
PROFIT LOSS : 1,909,590 (RON)
PROFIT LOSS : -1,552,814 (RON)
PROFIT LOSS : -6,327,977 (RON)
PROFIT LOSS : -3,648,378 (RON)
PROFIT LOSS : 3,647,352 (RON)