

26 results (author: PKF FINCONTA SRL)  -View company profile

How to restore confidence in times of crisis

Author: Florentina Susnea, Managing Partner, PKF Finconta

The Board of Advisors, a growth opportunity for entrepreneurs

In Romania, addressing a topic such as the board of advisors is not simple.…

The business outlook of professional services in 2018

A country's economic performance is service-based. In the most competitive countries in the Europe-an…

Home schooling of family businesses in Romania

Globalization increases competitiveness. The world is getting smaller. Businesses thousands of miles away are…

5 conditions for strengthening entrepreneurship

Large companies are associated with bureaucracy. The busy organizational structure, excess procedures, endless emails…

Why is it important the integrated financial reporting?

A new type of financial reporting appears in the Romanian business landscape, the integrated…

The agency problem in corporate governance

In a company, the decision-making mechanism can be complicated. Since there are more players…

The business outlook of professional services in Romania

Defined in terms of today’s progress paradigm, a country's performing economy is service-based.

From 'I am the company', to 'the company is each of us'

Transforming the business environment forces leaders to transform themselves. The operating environment of companies…

Entrepreneur's dilemma: CEO and/or owner

If an entrepreneur does not make a difference between the role of owner and…

The corporate governance crisis

The 2008 crisis has drawn everyone's attention to the need to regulate and implement…

Leadership challenges in entrepreneurial companies

Driving an entrepreneurial organization is challenging. Far from benefiting from / requiring the number…