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3 results (author: INSTANT FACTORING IFN SA)

Companiile cu cifra de afaceri sub 50.000 euro au fost cele mai profitabile microintreprinderi în 2018

Companiile cu cifra de afaceri sub 50.000 euro au înregistrat cea mai bună profitabilitate…

Instant Factoring Study: Over 70% of the total volume of activity of micro-enterprises in Romania is made by companies with a turnover of up to 250,000 euros

Although the total turnover of micro-enterprises is slightly decreasing, the evolution remains positive in…

Instant Factoring: The volume of funding requests increased fivefold in the first half of the year compared to last semester

The company targets a volume of funding of about 15 million euros in 2019


3 results (author: INSTANT FACTORING IFN SA)

Instant Factoring proposes to small companies pragmatic solutions to avoid financial deadlock

Instant Factoring offers to small companies and micro-enterprises a liquidity volume of RON 10…

Romania will be represented by Instant Factoring at the grand final of the Global Startup Awards, in China, on December 11-14

Global Startup Awards is the largest independent competition for startups, which has the role…

Instant Factoring closes a pre-Series A capital raising round of € 500,000 worth

Instant Factoring supports the development of small companies, with a turnover of up to…

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