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Romania will be represented by Instant Factoring at the grand final of the Global Startup Awards, in China, on December 11-14

Romania will be represented by Instant Factoring at the grand final of the Global Startup Awards, in China, on December 11-14

Global Startup Awards is the largest independent competition for startups, which has the role to discover, recognize and connect organizations and specialists in the technology and web industries

Instant Factoring, the first fintech factoring platform in Romania, will participate in the grand final of the Global Startup Awards, which will be held in December 11-14, in Changsa, China. Instant Factoring has qualified in the global final, after winning the regional final of the competition, Central European Startup Awards (CESA), as "Best Fintech Startup".

For more information, please see the Romanian version of the article, here.


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