

25 results (author: EJOBS GROUP SRL)  -View company profile

eJobs Romania launches Salario, the salary comparator with over 130,000 salary data

The highest net earnings are in Bucharest-Ilfov, Timis and Cluj, where there is also…

1M euro for professional IT reconversion - eJobs Romania launches CODERSLAB, the first European project of an online recruitment platform for IT reconversion

IT is the preferred field of those who want to make a professional reconversion

Startups return to power on the labor market - over 4,000 companies founded in the last two years have hired in the first 6 months, increased up to 52% ​​compared to 2020

Many small, newly established companies have had to work, in the last year, at…

The second quarter of the year began in full force and predicts a hot summer on the labor market. The big cities in the province - Cluj, Timisoara, Iasi - employ massively

What is noteworthy compared to last year is an exponential increase in the number…

What jobs did the specialists and managers look for in January on the eJobs recruitment platform

Over 300,000 applications in retail, 100,000 in services and as many in IT and…

Doctors and nurses continue in June to be the most sought after candidates for jobs abroad

About 12,000 jobs were available in June for candidates with experience in the medical…

The signs of a restart of the labor market are beginning to be seen. In the last week and a half, over 500 jobs have been posted daily on eJobs.ro

Signed by Bogdan Badea, CEO of eJobs Romania

Commerce, services and construction - the areas where candidates over 45 years old apply

Approximately 450,000 applications have been registered since the beginning of the year by over…

Top salaries by domains. Who are the best but also the most badly paid employees in Romania?

IT professionals, lawyers, bankers and human resources specialists were last year with the highest…

What does the top managers' salary package look like: 59% fixed income, 41% bonuses

59% of the annual income of a top Romanian manager means fixed salary, the…

More than 9,000 management positions available on eJobs.ro in 2018

The number of jobs for management positions increased in 2018 by about 10% over…

Where did the Romanians want to work in 2018: sales, accounting, and human resources - the areas that attracted most candidates this year

Almost 3.5 million CVs were submitted in 2018 by active candidates on eJobs.ro, the…