

117 results (author: EJOBS GROUP SRL)  -View company profile

Labor market at the end of the pandemic: employers will recruit harder, fluctuations in companies will increase, wages will increase, and candidates will again be attracted to jobs abroad

According to the latest survey conducted by eJobs, the largest online recruitment platform in…

May, the second best month in the history of eJobs: 33,000 new jobs, 1.1 million applications and over 20,000 new candidates

With 33,000 new jobs, a 23% jump was marked compared to April, mainly due…

EJobs study: The first thing that 45% of Romanians will do after the pandemic will be to change their job

ITs, specialists and skilled workers have the greatest confidence in their chances of finding…

Only 1.4% of monthly applications are for jobs abroad. Germany, the Netherlands and France are the first options for Romanians who want to work abroad

Those who decide to go abroad, however, apply mainly for jobs in Germany, the…

Romanian candidates no longer want freelancing and part-time jobs. 86% of this year's applications are for full-time jobs

According to a survey conducted at the beginning of the year by eJobs, among…

Sales departments within companies, most sought after by candidates. Half of the monthly applications go to sales jobs

The next most sought after departments, but with a third of the applications received…

eJobs Romania: Q1 2021 vs Q1 2020: equal number of new jobs (70,000) and an increase of applications by 70%

Over 70,000 new jobs were posted in the first three months of the year…

EJobs study: Only a third of employees who felt the need for psychological counseling in the last year turned to specialized services.

Uncertainty, fear of the future, depression, but also a better setting of priorities are…

Application champions: inexperienced candidates and those in the entry level category apply twice as much as last year

In absolute numbers, most applications came from those who fall into the entry level…

In 2021, only 66% of employers still offer extra-salary benefits

Meal vouchers, subscriptions to private medical clinics, the car service and psychological counseling dominate…

The sectors in which the average number of applications exploded: + 273% in the textile industry, + 130% in training, + 84% in marketing / advertising / PR and + 70% in retail

On the other hand, the wood, naval and aeronautical industries and the agricultural industry…

1.3 million applications and 22,000 new jobs - February figures show labor market recovers, one year after the pandemic broke out

The number of jobs abroad decreases, but the number of jobs in Bucharest and…