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PwC survey: Nearly three quarters of Romanian companies have started implementing cloud technology and expect results in the next year

PwC survey: Nearly three quarters of Romanian companies have started implementing cloud technology and expect results in the next year

Only 12% of Romanian companies surveyed said they are all-in on cloud, meaning advanced service design capabilities, deep product expertise, optimised workload differentiation, and they characterise their cloud maturity as high

Around three-quarters of Romanian companies (71,4%) surveyed have begun implementing the cloud either for several departments or for specific processes, and plan wider adoption over the next two years, according to a local report based on the PwC Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) Cloud Business Survey. The percentage is similar to the CEE average.

Only 12% of Romanian companies surveyed said they are all-in on cloud, meaning advanced service design capabilities, deep product expertise, optimised workload differentiation, and they characterise their cloud maturity as high, over the CEE average, of 8%. At the same time, over 38% Romanian companies say all their operations will be on the cloud within the next two years and 43% of Romanian companies plan to be there or move 50% or more of their operations.

"The cloud has become an essential component in a digital operating environment, and its adoption is part of the business transformation process. The main gain from cloud implementation is the generation of new business models and therefore revenue. As our survey shows, both Romanian and Central and Eastern European companies are at the beginning of their cloud journey and should focus more on innovation and creating new revenue streams and not only on pursuing cost reduction goals," said Gabriel Voicila, Technology Partner, PwC Romania.

As companies are still early in their cloud transformation  journey, modernisation is the primary reason for leveraging cloud technology for 42,9% of Romanian companies and almost half (49%) of CEE companies.

Data analytics (66,7%), Cybersecurity (64,3%), Storage and Artificial intelligence (57%) and machine learning (47,6%) are cloud capabilities to be prioritised by more than half of Romanian companies in the next 12 months.

By adopting cloud technology, companies are seeking substantial value from their investments. But taking into account lower levels of cloud transformation maturity, the majority of Romanian and CEE executives surveyed are not yet realising the full potential of benefits from their cloud investments, but they are expecting these in the next 12 months.

From those Romanian companies who already achieved measurable value, 40,5% mentioned faster time to market, 35,7% cost savings, 35,7 improved cyber posture and 33,3% profitability, enhanced customer experience and increased agility.

From those who expect to achieve measurable value in the next 12 months, the top expected benefits are increased productivity (64,3%), improved resilience (61.9%), increased agility 60% and new revenue streams (57%) .

Across Romanian companies, the top barriers to achieving measurable value are: talent gaps (42,9%), inability to effectively measure/quantify return on investment (35,7%), budget and/or investment constraints and limitations of technology capabilities (both 33,3%).

About the survey: PwC surveyed 389 Technology and Business leaders from seven Central and Eastern European countries, including Romania, across a range of industry sectors (Industrial Products; Financial Services; Energy, Utilities and Mining; Technology, Media and Telecommunications; Retail and Consumer; and Health). The fieldwork was conducted during February and March 2023.

Read the full report here.

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