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Government Decision approving the reduction of green certificates

Government Decision approving the reduction of green certificates for the situations provided by article 6 paragraph (2) letters a), c), f) of Law no. 220/2008 (the “Law”)

Pursuant to the overcompensation report issued by ANRE (Energy Sector Regulator), the Romanian Government has decided to approve the reduction of the number of green certificates to be received by hydro, wind and solar projects as follows:


Hydro – by 0.7 green certificates for each MW produced and delivered provided that the hydro power plants are new and have
an installed power of maximum 10 MW. Wind – by 0.5 green certificates until 2017 and by 0.25 green certificates starting with
2018 for each MW produced and delivered.


Solar – by 3 green certificates for each MW produced and delivered.


The GD enters into force on 1 January 2014 and shall apply to projects accredited by ANRE after this date.


The GD does not apply to projects which have already obtained accreditation from ANRE.


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