Mastering the New Reality The biggest concerns are rooted in the economic outlook influenced…
Mastering the New Reality The biggest concerns are rooted in the economic outlook influenced…
The biggest concerns are rooted in the economic outlook influenced by the multiple overlapping…
The biggest concerns are rooted in the economic outlook influenced by the multiple overlapping…
The biggest concerns are rooted in the economic outlook influenced by the multiple overlapping…
Author: Constantin Magdalina, Expert Trends and Emerging Technologies
The business environment is becoming increasingly complex and puts pressure on companies,…
Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends & Technologies Expert
Author: Constantin Magdalina, Expert Trends and Emerging Technologies
Author: Constantin Magdalina, Expert Trends and Emerging Technologies
Interview with ANA BER , CONSULTANT AND MANAGING DIRECTOR, Pendl & Piswanger
Interview with ANDREEA NICULAE, Senior Manager, Consulting, Accenture Romania
Interview with Dan Cirstea, Managing Partner, United Media
Interview with Amalia Leorent, Commercial Director, Prefera Foods SA
MCR Interview: Victor Maghiari, Oracle Digital Director, Central Europe
RoBuild Conference & Exhibition offers the unique opportunity to know the current innovations…
The most important business leaders from Transylvania will participate in this prestigious…
The comparative analysis based on the responses of the businessmen participating in the…
The conference takes place on October 30, in Bucharest, is supported by Raiffeisen Bank…
Over 850 managers and business people benefit from the solutions presented at Business…
The next normal is already here! Companies have zero time to lose! Challenged by…
Leadership is more important than ever in mobilizing the best energies, innovative skills…
Schimbarile care au ca suport tehnologia au capatat un rol strategic in cresterea competitivitatii…
Constanta, Zenith - Conference & Spa Hotel, 17 Aprilie 2018
Bucuresti, 27 Septembrie 2018
Iasi, Hotel International, 18 Octombrie 2018
Brasov, Hotel Kronwell, 31 Octombrie 2018
Activitati de organizare a expozitiilor, targurilor si congreselor
Activitati de organizare a expozitiilor, targurilor si congreselor
Activitati de consultanta pentru afaceri si management
Activitati de organizare a expozitiilor, targurilor si congreselor; - Operatori, centre de conferinte; -…