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54 results (tag: Fiscal Code)

Good news for the retail sector: Goodbye tax receipts for card payments. However, clarifications are needed regarding the mechanisms for applying electronic fiscal receipts

Mihail Boian, Partner of D&B David si Baias and Inge Abdulcair, Director of PwC…

No good deed is forgotten - sponsorships that can be offered at the end of the year by Romanian companies

Authors: Miruna Enache, Partner, International Tax and Transactions Services & CESA Tax…

The most recent changes to tax facilities for R&D: What benefits do we have and what should we pay attention to?

Ruxandra Popescu, Director and Anca Nicola, Senior Manager

EY study: More than half of the Romanian companies say that they do not know the benefits that could be accessed in the relationship with the tax authorities

Thus, the tendency of most companies is rather not to apply the benefits offered…

The impact of AI: Motivation shifts from doing to being

Elena Badea, Managing Director, Valoria Business Solutions


2 results (tag: Fiscal Code)

About Romania’s fiscal turmoil and its adjustment to the Industrial Revolution 4.0

Interview with Gabriel Biris, Managing Partner, Biris Goran

Perspectives on VAT and other fiscal regulations

Luisiana Dobrinescu, Lawyer and Founder of Dobrinescu Dobrev SCA and Anca Grigore, Consultant…


18 results (tag: Fiscal Code)

The VAT rates will increase from next year, with implications in the food and real estate sectors

Authors: Izabela Stoicescu, Senior Manager PwC Romania and Cristina Florea, Senior Consultant…

News in the Fiscal Code: Gift vouchers can now only be given to employees

Daniel Anghel, Partner, leader of PwC Romania's tax and legal services and Irina Nutescu,…

After three years of waiting, the fiscal changes required by the business environment were adopted: Top 10 news

Daniel Anghel, Partner, Leader of the Fiscal and Legal Consulting Department of PwC Romania

Brexit effects from the tax perspective

The exact effects of Britain's outflow from the European Union are hard to predict,…

Romanian programmer, working from home, for a foreign company. What fiscal obligations do I have?

The reporting obligations of income earned abroad are borne by the individual and are…

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