

186 results (tag: study)

BCR - Perspectives on real estate market in Romania

Two-room apartments are the best sellers while internet will be the first choice in…

Allianz Study on mobility: owning a car becomes an economic privilege

Due to high fuel prices, owning a car has become increasingly expensive and is…

Sourcing in the Banking Industry: Drivers and risks in outsourcing

Ensight Management Consulting, affiliated member of Eurogroup Consulting network, was…

AFASE - Provisional measures will severely hurt European solar markets

Duties over 15% will destroy 85% of EU PV demand

  Businesses seek out specialist legal advisors to tackle a rise in international disputes, PwC survey shows

The number of businesses hiring in-house specialist lawyers is set to rise according to…

Career Leader event reaches the third edition

Last week, over 60 talented young professionals enlarged their knowledge by participating…

Medlife, IMAS study: 67% of Romanians went to the doctor at least once in the past 12 months

The results of the latest IMAS study conducted at Medlife request, the largest private…

Ericsson ConsumerLab: The voice of the consumer

A new study conducted by Ericsson ConsumerLab - "Young Professionals at work" - analyses…

Kaspersky Security Scan detects active infections on computers protected by other vendors

Infections went undetected by anti-malware solutions on a significant number of Windows…

The current account packages – the average balance of a deposit is about RON 40,000


CEE Weekly Outlook, April 5

Slovenian gov. bonds suffering from the Cyprus fallout got some support this week: yields…

Three easy steps for juniors to compensate the lack of experience

Career Leader event addresses the youth, skilled juniors, students or freshly graduates…