

72 results (tag: facebook)

King moves into Opera Center Office Building

King, the leading interactive entertainment company for the mobile word, leased an office…

eTravel Conference is near

eTravel Conference, the most awaited event for the online promotion of the tourism industry…

National Forum of Creative and Cultural Industries will be held in October in Bucharest

The first business networking event dedicated to Romanian cultural and creative sector…

The History of Electricity painted on an Enel substation

Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Guglielmo Marconi and Nicola Tesla, important personalities…

AGERPRES, Romania's first news agency, has a new identity and new communication platforms

In a world where the media market is constantly developing, imposing new standards AGERPRES,…

Gabriela Szabo Run Fest 2013

Movement, fresh air, sharing the team spirit and the chance to benefit from the…

KPMG in Romania has launched RoVisa Express

RoVisa Express is the new mobile application from KPMG in Romania, which guides you…

37.3 million users experienced phishing attacks in the last year

Bogus search and email services, social networks, banks, financial organizations and e-shops…

Renault Captur officially launches in Romania

The first urban crossover built by Renault has been officialy launched in Romania, after…

“Profi te premiaza” campaign earns special CSR prize

Profi te premiaza, the campaign under which the PROFI stores donate thousands of pieces…

Facebook shares up 2.56 percent at their first trade in Romania

The shares of Facebook company trade in the domestic currency starting on Friday on…

Facebook shares go today on the alternative trading system (ATS) of BSE

Facebook shares will be traded on the alternative trading system (ATS) of BSE (Bucharest…