

89 results (tag: companii)

10 companies recognized for excellence in HR

HR Club Excellence Awards Gala is the only project through which the HR community,…

Dozens of companies are registered in the HR  competition of the year

40 companies that have implemented valuable human resources projects in 2013-2014, were…

88 percent of European companies believe that they offer excellent customer care , while only 8 percent of their customers think the same thing

Conference Arena, a member of Marketing Insider Group, will organize the 11th edition…

The executive directors from  romanian companies have a growing confidence in economy

The premises and trends for 2015 were presented during "CEO Conference - Shaping the…

Over EURO 3.9bn are lost annually in Europe because of the inability of companies to loyalize their clients

Expo Media is organizing Customer Experience Forum, a premium event focused on attracting…

Around 60% of companies will automate the interactions with clients in the next two years

According to Interactive Intelligence Group Inc., in the near future, the degree of automation…

How fast companies should respond to the clients’ requests in order not to lose them

According to the Global Customer Service Survey annual survey, conducted by the Interactive…

The American association of R&D pharmaceutical companies has a new leadership team

Starting with May, Gabor Sztaniszlav – Country Manager Amgen is the new President of…

Fraud Management & Operational Risk Forum

According to PWC – KRL Fraud Report 2013-2014, Global Economic Survey 2014 – in…

9212 candidates were recruited following the previous editions of Angajatori de TOP Bucharest

The 16th of the largest recruiting event, Angajatori de Top, will be held in…

SAP Study: about 50% of the companies adopt HR strategies that involve the use of software technologies

According to a new study of SuccessFactors, a company of SAP AG, the leading…

Companies' income from digital media will exceed revenues from the traditional media by 2015

Revenues of media and entertainment companies from digital will soon surpass the 50% level…