

113 results (tag: mall)

Romania – Increased Consumption and a Great Potential for Growth

Nestle Purina contributes for a better life of pets and pet owners. ‘Your pet,…

Private Pension – A ‘Must’ for Romania’s Future

It is crucial to have a legislative stability in order to support the long-term…

Romania, Through Port of Constanta, Could Become the Fastest Route to Central Asia

The first step is to eliminate bureaucracy, but the main target is to make…

Increasing purchasing power and growing appetite for spending and consumption within the next 3-5 years

The majority of us are eager to pay for emotions and memories when buying…

Power, Performance, Innovation - The Pillars Which Support Our Activity

EnergoBit contributed a lot in the development of the renewable sector, by participating…

Romanian Consumers Have a Huge Desire for Innovation

For HL Display, using new tech products as solutions for merchandising, or as part…

Romanian economy,  well set on the road to sustainable growth

The direction of the country remains positive, in our view, and the opportunities far…

Romania, on the path of decreasing the usage of unlicensed software

Compliance is first of all a matter of education and awareness, starting at the…

20 years of passion for coffee at Strauss Romania

Coffee is no more just an “energy kick”, it is a way to enchant…

A stable growth for the courier and delivery industry in 2014

Consumers are becoming more demanding and require higher levels of flexibility from logistics…

Can Romania become more competitive in a global market?

A short answer is that it takes time in order to see sustainable results

The business analytics software industry, between innovation and need for restructuring

According to many analysts and those in the Hadoop community, more than half of…