

296 results (tag: ey)

Change of Energy Paradigm

If Edison would have invented the infrared goggles instead of the incandescence lamp,…

Liberalization of gas exports put into perspective

The immediate effects conveyed by the liberalization of natural gas prices on all stakeholders…

Catching up with the modern consumer

Expansion continues to be the most important business development strategy for modern…

Addressing a rational informed consumer

If I were to describe the consumer in 2 words, and I am referring…

A spicy business

There are in Romania lots of agriculture fields still uncultivated or stating a poor…

Abundance of added value – new approach of wholesale

The access of small agricultural entrepreneurs to project financing depends a lot on at…

Agriculture - Made in Romania

Agriculture states for a largely significant role in making the math regarding Romania’s…

Opportunities and decisions

Identifying and keeping the focus on the economy’s fundamentals should be the right attitude…

Tactic for investments: a matter of coordination and discipline

There is no business without trust and trust goes both ways, involving stakeholders that…

Switch in the collective business mental framework

A switch in the collective business mental framework is needed in order to ink…

The key word for the universal language of business is predictability

Romanian business and political elites should embark on a new major challenge, pooling…

There is plenty of room for mutual funds

Definitely there is a need for a proper understanding of what capital markets stand…