

29 results (tag: Rank)

Financial education, a decisive factor for the banking sector equilibrium

Interview with Sergiu Oprescu, Executive President Alpha Bank Romania and President of…

Romanian business sector faces a period of uncertainty

MCR Interview: Roberto Falato, Managing Partner, Boscolo & Partners, member of Crowe Horwath…

Private Pension – A ‘Must’ for Romania’s Future

It is crucial to have a legislative stability in order to support the long-term…

We are going to experince a shift from export-led growth towards a more inclusive one based on internal consumption

The future of the local banking industry belongs to the banks with flexible cost…

Reforms are appreciated, but more still needs to be done

Romania should continue to strive to attract investment, by staying on track with the…

As 2013 was a better year than 2012, 2014 will follow this trend

Companies are more and more focused on coping with the challenging business environment…

Business Process Outsourcing - a market in evolution

2013 is shaping up to be another year of mediocre growth for Romania, with…

Betting on Quality

Coffee is the world's second most valuable traded commodity, behind only petroleum. There…

Champs and flops in agriculture

The favored ones in these times are the tenants and the large winners are…

Tactic for investments: a matter of coordination and discipline

There is no business without trust and trust goes both ways, involving stakeholders that…

The “most wanted employee”:  skills, competencies, recruiting manners

Ana Ber, Managing Partner P&P Romania: During these tough times for economy, companies…

Romanian IT talent in 2013 – more mature and diverse

For the past years, Romania has evolved strongly in terms of skills complexity on…