

79 results (tag: Media)

Private Pension – A ‘Must’ for Romania’s Future

It is crucial to have a legislative stability in order to support the long-term…

Romania, Through Port of Constanta, Could Become the Fastest Route to Central Asia

The first step is to eliminate bureaucracy, but the main target is to make…

We are going to experince a shift from export-led growth towards a more inclusive one based on internal consumption

The future of the local banking industry belongs to the banks with flexible cost…

The business analytics software industry, between innovation and need for restructuring

According to many analysts and those in the Hadoop community, more than half of…

2014 is still a leverage year

It is in the nature of business to learn from past mistakes and adapt…

Investment will remain a key

The ‘new normal’ in Romania, as in other EU countries, will be characterized by…

IBM helps clients identify, prevent and combat digital attacks

IBM helps thousands of clients address the challenges of securing their people, data,…

Lean on a “lean philosophy”

As our company is producing automotive components for almost all car manufacturers in…

When shopping centers become civic center

2013 added one more year to those of crisis. Simply, all market players had…

Indecision today locks in higher costs tomorrow

Romania needs to enable a viable environment for investments in energy sector in Romania…

Liberalization of gas exports put into perspective

The immediate effects conveyed by the liberalization of natural gas prices on all stakeholders…

Catching up with the modern consumer

Expansion continues to be the most important business development strategy for modern…