

42 results (tag: ISED)

SMEs play a key role in GDP growth and creating added value

To stay on that market, companies have to be competitive, to innovate and keep…

Well-managed Data Will Drive Revenue, Reduce Costs and Mitigate Risks

There is no right or wrong way in practicing analytics, just commute into analytical…

Trust in the Economic Environment Is Crucial for the Future Evolution of Businesses

Businesses in the EU will soon have to adjust to a new trading reality,…

Challenges and opportunities: today and tomorrow

Our main goal in 2015 is to add more value for our clients, to…

Romania, on the path of decreasing the usage of unlicensed software

Compliance is first of all a matter of education and awareness, starting at the…

A stable growth for the courier and delivery industry in 2014

Consumers are becoming more demanding and require higher levels of flexibility from logistics…

Political uncertainty, clear communication and investor conf idence

2013 has been a year which brought to mind the late 1990s, with many…

Business Process Outsourcing - a market in evolution

2013 is shaping up to be another year of mediocre growth for Romania, with…

The Drilling Roulette

We operate a concession in Suceava area, while Chevron focuses on an adjacent area…

Watch out for Energy Watchdog!

2011 and especially 2012 were special. The drought affected the production of large hydro…

With shale gas - towards energy independence?

The recent intense debate about the future of the shale gas in Europe has…

A spicy business

There are in Romania lots of agriculture fields still uncultivated or stating a poor…