

170 results (tag: wage)

Smartree launches an Index that will take the pulse of the economy in real time

Smartree Workforce Index is a synthesis of the evolution of recruitments, growth of wages…

87% of companies will raise wages in 2016, 81% will make investments and 71% will be hiring

93% of Romanian business leaders are confident in their business growth this year, while…

Main amendments brought by the methodological norms for the application of the new Tax Code

Government Decision no. 1/2016 for the approval of the methodological norms for the application…

KPMG survey: CEE companies envision healthy economy for 2016

Business leaders in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) believe that the economic situation…

Local tourism sector on AeRO. Tradeville analysis

After many years of stagnation of the local tourism, a law which might revitalize…

Creating value for customers while keeping a close eye on efficiency

The equipment demand for the automotive industry is augmented this year by other heavy…

The migration of brains in Romania: Top 5 reasons invoked in order to leave a company

Retail and finance & insurance industries are confronted with the biggest personnel fluctuation…

EY: 35% of Romanian elders present a poverty and social exclusion risk which is almost double compared to the EU

The average monthly pension in Romania is currently 200 euros, compared to Greece –…

Outlook for 2015-19

Macroeconomic policy since the global economic crisis of 2008-09 has largely corrected…

Consumer optimism not enough for stable growth

The Romanian economy started the year on a strong footing with a 4.3% yoy…

WIIW Forecast: A time of moderate expectations

Contrary to expectations, near-stagnation has continued in the euro area. Certain forecasts…

Romania climbs for the first time in top 15 most attractive countries in Europe regarding the number of FDI projects

Romania became the sixth country in Europe by the number of FDI jobs created,…