

114 results (tag: safety)

Nearly half of global CEOs don’t expect to see a return to ‘normal’ until 2022: KPMG study

CEOs are shifting their plans to transform their operating model once again and be…

Pandemic accelerates changes in consumer behaviour: moving out of cities, online shopping, health importance, affordable prices and sustainability

Consumers are more worried than four months ago about their health, their families and…

HR Barometer: Romanians opted for job security in 2020. Staff turnover in Romanian companies decreased to 17.2%

Of that 17.2%, the majority (13.2% of total staff) were voluntary terminations

PwC Report: The productivity boost from 5G technology will add USD 1.3 trillion to global GDP by 2030

PwC’s projections show that 5G technology, used in conjunction with investments in artificial…

Can REAL ESTATE become a vector of growth in terms of foreign direct investment?

Author: Dan Flesariu, Head of Real Estate Transactions, Strategy and Transactions, EY…

32% of Romanians are sure that banks will continue to digitalize in 2021. Study on Romanians' expectations regarding banks in the current context

The pandemic has brought a lot of negative dimensions, but as any crisis, it…

Colliers: 2021 is expected to be a year of recovery, but the pandemic will still have a great influence

2021 is expected to be a year of recovery, but many uncertainties remain.

COVID-19 is changing consumer behavior worldwide; business needs to adapt rapidly

Consumers are staying and working from home more, prioritizing savings over spending and…

Deloitte study: Europeans' concerns regarding financial and employment problems diminished in the first four months since COVID-19 restrictions have eased

Relaxing the restrictions adopted in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic was one of…

Digital Auto Report 2020: COVID-19 pandemic shifted the consumer mobility preferences, the personal car becomes the main option again

Earlier this year, estimates indicated an increase in consumer preference for mobility…

Deloitte study: The pandemic speeds up big cities’ decisions to limit traffic and expand space for cyclists and pedestrians

According to the study, private cars, once considered a symbol of the urban environment,…

PwC Survey: 80% of companies anticipate remote work as the new norm on the labour market

Remote work has become an essential part of the new normal, with companies being…