

114 results (tag: safety)

PwC Romania Survey: 65% of companies didn’t apply measures to reduce employee costs in the first two months of the state of emergency

Cost-cutting companies have adopted a mix of measures applied differently depending on…

PwC Global Survey: 70%  of CFOs are very confident they can provide a safe working environment, but only a half think can manage employees’ morale

CFOs in Denmark (72%), Germany (67%) and Mexico (69%) are most likely to consider…

New set of CoVid-19 measures - State of Alert. Rules and recommendations for employers

By adopting GD 394/2020, the state of alert was implemented for a period of…

Coronavirus Pandemic to Change Consumer Payments

The economic shock has already manifested itself in a variety of ways across industries,…

Steps to resume B2B sales in a world affected by COVID-19

During the two months of emergency, declining or even lack of demand in many…

Reset for retail. From survival in crisis to growth in uncertain times

The closure of large commercial centers and the population movement limitation reduced…

PwC global survey: 64% of companies plan new safety measures when reopen work sites and 47% will make remote work a permanent option

Most companies have moved beyond the short-term, reactive phase of the novel coronavirus…

Guidelines of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work on the employees’ return to work after lifting the restrictions relating to the  Covid-19  infection

The Guide deals with the issue in terms of adapting the workplace and protecting…

Companies active on the retail segment, that own or lease industrial spaces, are counting on eCommerce development to recover the losses generated by effects of the Covid-19 epidemics

A multi-channel approach for logistics and industrial companies active in retail is expected…

PwC global survey: 73% of CFOs are greatly concerned about the effects of COVID-19 on their operations

The main concern remains, in this context, the maintenance of jobs until the peak…

Talent in Digital Times

Freestyle dance on the pandemic wire!