

139 results (tag: recruit)

International expansion accelerates the growth of European medium-sized companies and generates optimism for the next 12 months

86% of European medium-sized companies expect revenue growth of over 6% over the next…

Valoria survey: In 2018, leaders of 6 out of 10 companies do not have the skills needed to develop a digital business model

According to the survey "The Barometer of Digitization 2018", conducted by Valoria in…

The pros and cons of the recruitment process automation

Artificial intelligence and the automation of the recruitment process.

What do we need the HR Director for in the digital age

The results of Valoria's study "Trends and challenges in HR" show that in the…

Trends and Challenges in the Digitalisation of HR in Romanian Companies

Human resources professionals are undergoing a profound transformation generated by technological…

Trends in digital transformation for 2018

There are notions which, through the frequency of their use, lead to satiety. You…

3 ways in which artificial intelligence will automate recruitment

The most important thing managers and leaders do in an organization is to hire…

Due to the speed of recruitment and the lack of potential employees, more and more companies have dropped outgoing hiring exams

According to Smartree, one of the leaders in Romania in the HR outsourcing market,…

Obstacles and benefits for the digitalization of Romanian companies

Increasingly more the vacation is no longer a disconnect experience because relaxation…

Top executives do not lead digitalization in 7 out of 10 companies

According to the survey "The Barometer of digitalization 2017" released today by Valoria,…

Who carries out the digitalization?

Digitization is now an increasingly central topic in the business world. We often talk…

Cost Savings lead to Profit Increase

Only 20% of savings generated by optimizing internal and external operational expenses…